We are Open!
Thanks everyone for the continued love and support!
I post pictures on Facebook after noon let out so like and follow our Facebook page for pictures and the latest information --->
If you are new and would like to fill out new guest forms for your pet(s) click the PDF button --->
You can either bring them along on dropoff or email them to littlevillagepetlodge@outlook.com
Otherwise, papers can be filled out in person on dropoff.

Dog Boarding
Each dog kennel is 4x8 foot and dogs will be let out multiple times a day to do their business and play. Dogs also have a indoor play area for when going outside is too cold or wet, etc. Note: The indoor play area (unless unoccupied) is for dog friendly dogs, so your dog(s) will need to be dog friendly to use the indoor play area!
Important: Must Be Up To Date On Vaccinations!
Rabies, Canine Distemper, and Bordetella

Cat Boarding (Ferret Boarding)
Cats will have their own cat condo in the lobby area. Although there are only two cat condos available, each can house up to 2 large cats or 3 small cats if they get along. Cats may also have a kennel in the dog kennel area if absolutely needed.
Ferrets will be housed the same as the cats (if available) if a cage isn't provided.
Important: Must Be Up To Date On Vaccinations!
Cats: Rabies, FVRCP, and Lekemia

Other Pet Boarding
Other pets such as parrots, reptiles, and small mammals (rabbit etc) will need either the pet's cage/enclosure or temporary cage/enclosure brought for their stay. They will be housed in either the lobby or in the kennel area depending on space available.
Important: Must Be Up To Date On Vaccinations if Applicable